
Sunday, June 24, 2012

National Partnership of Women and Families luncheon...impressions

National Partnership for Women and Families Luncheon

Here are my thoughts on attending this luncheon on Thursday, June 21st. It was an awesome opportunity and I got to listen to some very high powered women, not the least of which, was Hillary Clinton. The program was an incredibly educated, well spoken group of women and I loved every minute! My impressions come from the 45 minutes previous to the doors opening to the actual "event", I may write more about this later...we'll see.

High Powered, Low Powered
Questioning their power and 
of the 




with daughters, friends, colleagues, and tour groups

Smells of all sorts assault the nasal palate, telling tales of their owner without the owners knowledge

Handbags - dresses - shoes - pedicures - jewelry
Tanned, toned, dowdy, coiffed and q-tipped
drink in hand

A suit! 
He feels out of place. The only men who look comfortable are the waitstaff and bartenders.

Here for a cause....or...just cause.

The room fills, the volume rises
Almost imperceptibly then suddenly, it is too loud

I am a fish out of water. I can't even fake it, but there are others like me - standing right next to me...brown hair, brown suit, against a brown wall. My jacket is too loud I should have stuck with all black.

Restroom escape, hoping for quiet...not to be found

Bass voices resonate and cut through the treble din

I am pressed against the wall next to the brown suited woman, they walk past...the eccentric to the uptight, it is not difficult to tell who is who.

Finally, the doors open.

And thousands move as one.

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